
How To Put Icing In A Ziploc Bag

The easy, no-mess way to make up a little bit of frosting for decorating cookies and cakes!

This post volition probably give yous a little bit more of an insight into my failings as a mom, only that's OK! If you lot're homo, you might but have the same failings and nosotros tin cheat our fashion through these things together.

Do y'all ever have 1 of those moments when you think you're being a super fun mom, doing dandy things with your kids, making treats, and generally being crawly? Similar when you decide that you lot're going to bake cookies with your kids fifty-fifty though yous're super exhausted and have a meg other things to get done. Y'all bake the cookies because you lot know it will make you experience accomplished and your kids will be thinking "Wow, what fantastic parenting I'm receiving right now. These are exactly the kinds of moments that I'chiliad going to remember fondly when I look dorsum on my babyhood." The cookies come out of the oven, you permit them cool, pour the glass of milk and bring them to the tabular array in a big triumphant Norman Rockwell kind of moment. Y'all've done it! You've gone above and beyond! And and so your girl says to y'all "Mom, aren't we going to at least decorate them?"

You've failed. The cookies aren't enough. You need icing! You demand it now! Y'all don't have any shop bought icing and you really don't desire to become making a large mess of your kitchen over again when you thought you lot were two seconds away from a relaxing cookie break.

Don't worry. We've got this.

Grab a few ziplock/generic make zipper style bags.

You're going to have delicious icing in a just a few seconds and no mess. Zero!

Wasn't that easy?

You can either brand a whole lot of icing, or just a tiny bit for a few picayune dots and lines, whatsoever works for you.

You'll need ziplock bags, large or small, (I observe if you're going to be really intense virtually the squishing, the proper name brand ones do tend to concord up better, but dollar store bags work in a pinch too), icing sugar, butter, vanilla, and food coloring.

No matter what corporeality of icing you decide to make, you'll need most ane part butter to 4 parts icing sugar, a splash of vanilla and a few drops of nutrient coloring. So for example, I used about 1 teaspoon of butter, to 4 teaspoons of icing carbohydrate to go these amounts.

If y'all find your icing is too runny, add a bit more than icing sugar. If it'due south likewise thick, add a bit of milk or vanilla. I accept to tell you though, it's pretty hard to mess up. Fact: Sugar and butter together in pretty much whatsoever combination are going to taste astonishing.

When everything'south all squished up and combined, cut a little hole (or a bigger 1) in the corner of your numberless and take fun decorating!

I did rice krispie squares, just crusade Kennedy asked me if I would make them more than ofttimes and here's the conversation that ensued when she got domicile from school that solar day.

Kennedy (upon spying the treats on the counter): What are those?

Me (triumphant mom, for existent this time): Rice krispies! Didn't you say y'all wanted me to make them for you more often?

Kennedy: Yeah, but why are they and then magical?


Do you want your kids to think y'all're magical as well? Get lazy and throw some frosting ingredients in a ziplock handbag, then pat yourself on the back!

The easy, no-mess way to make up a bit of frosting for decorating cakes and cookies.


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