Applying Motocross graphics can be daunting! But never fear, some uncomplicated tips and tricks tin make life a lot easier.



  • Rag
  • Isoproyl Booze or similar cleaner
  • Knife
  • Squeegee
  • Water bottle for wet method
  • Oestrus gun
  • Clean environment
  • Patience



  • Preparation is key when applying graphics. Used plastics must be costless from all glue, residue and dirt. Nosotros are lucky to be starting here with brand new Acerbis plastics, which makes life easier.
  • Make clean all plastics with Isopropyl alcohol. Metholated spirits or contact cleaner volition also be suitable.
  • Brand new plastics need to be cleaned equally they have a coating on them to ensure they are prissy and shiny on the shelf.


  • Wet or dry. Talk to your graphics supplier every bit they may have a preferred more than successful method for their material.



  • Mix up a spray bottle with a very small amount of dish washing liquid and water, around iv drops to 1L of water.
  • Line your graphics upwards with the plastics to ensure you accept the correct graphic for your bicycle.
  • Remove the backing paper totally.
  • Spray the sticky side of the graphics with a decent spray of water.
  • Spray your plastics with a similar amount of h2o.
  • Slap your graphics on the plastic, sliding it around to ensure prefect alignment.


  • In one case y'all are happy with the positioning, start to piece of work the water out from under the graphics. Much the same way you would be sticking on graphics dry out. Using a duster will make this method a lot easier.
  • Sit the plastics to the side to permit the moisture completely evaporate. Sit them in the sun, or exit them in the shed overnight if possible.
  • When you return to your plastics. Become over the graphics completely to ensure all of the decal is stuck downwards.
  • Once it's all practical, use the heat gun to become the graphics nice and warm. The graphics will soften and exist easier mould into any groves or mouldings in the plastics. Heating motocross graphics likewise activates the glue and makes them concluding meliorate. Ensure the heat gun is moving at all times to keep from called-for a hole in your fresh new kit.


  • Line your graphics up with the plastic to ensure you have the right decal for that part of the bicycle.
  • Peel the backing newspaper in the section y'all'd like to showtime applying from. Fold it and crease. Don't remove complete bankroll newspaper as per the wet method.


  • First applying the decal from one side to the other.
  • One time yous have fabricated it to the fold. Pare some more paper back, continually applying the graphic, piddling chip, by little. On a department such as this apartment front fender, it'southward quite simple.
  • If you lot were doing a difficult exhaust side number plate with a large curve, focus on applying across the centre of the plate, following the meridian of the bend. One time that is stuck downwards, slowly work from the centre down the valley to the top of the plate, working outwards. Repeat on the bottom of the plate. Applying rut helps soften the textile to adjust to the shape of the plate.
  • Rut is your friend when information technology comes to moulding graphics on difficult plates, you can mould and dispense the material to fit.
  • Trim off any excess textile.
  • Once you lot have applied your graphic. Grab the heat gun. Oestrus the entire sticker to help soften the decal and allow the gum to grab the plastics. Don't ride your wheel for a minimum 48 hours in one case installed. Grab a beer and admire your handy work.



  • Relax. You tin almost ever set mistakes.
  • Take your time.
  • Heat is key. Keep your graphics and surroundings fairly warm. Common cold graphics are strong and firm, warm graphics will mould hands.
  • Clean the back of your plastics likewise. Putting your hands on silicon spray or clay, then onto your graphics when applying, tin totally ruin your graphics.
  • Trim dorsum anywhere where in that location is overhang, any areas where water can go under the decal will limit your graphics life span
  • Do them as early as y'all tin. Sticking graphics on the night before the race is a recipe for disaster. As a rule an absolute minimum 48 hours is needed before you ride. Longer if its been applied wet.
  • Drain the fuel tank before applying two-stroke graphics. Fuel vapours tin can cause graphics to lift. Leave the tank empty equally long as possible to let the mucilage to bond.
  • If y'all are unsure almost anything, conversation to your graphics supplier.