
Woman’s Silicone Breast Implant Helps Deflect Bullet That Might Have Killed Her

Unless you're wearing a bulletproof vest, at that place is a skillful chance that existence shot directly at your chest could result in y'all beingness killed. Notwithstanding, in the past we accept seen how sometimes lives have been saved where the bullet misses its marker, thanks to objects being placed in our front pockets.

In the case of a 30-yr erstwhile adult female, she had her life potentially saved when her chest implant seemingly deflected a bullet that would have otherwise killed her. The story was published to the SAGE medical journal final week, and it seems that this could very well be the first instance of a silicone chest implant saving a life.

The case actually took place back in 2018 where according to the report, the adult female who was shot actually walked herself into her local emergency department after being shot in the chest. To the amazement of the doctors and nurses in attendance, the adult female seemed to be fine and was talking despite taking a bullet to the breast.

It seems that due to her silicone breast implant, the bullet was deflected away from her vital organs. While she did sustain injuries from the bullet entry betoken which resulted in a fractured rib, she was otherwise fine and made a total recovery.

Speaking to CNN, Dr. Giancarlo McEvenue said, "The bullet wound entry was on the left breast, but the rib fracture was on the correct side. The bullet entered the peel on the left side first, and so ricocheted across her sternum into the right breast and broke her rib on the right side. The implant caused the modify in the trajectory of the bullet."

McEvenue adds, "On the left paw side is the middle and lungs — if the bullet would have gone into the chest, she would have had a much more serious, peradventure life-threatening injury."

Filed in . Read more most Health. Source: edition.cnn


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