
How To Use A Chart Template In Excel

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How to Employ Excel Chart Templates

How oftentimes practice you lot demand to insert a favorite chart manner, consistent with your prior submission, to maintain a consistent look and feel to your monthly reporting packages? That consistency is one chemical element that increases the appearance of professionalism—specially if it reflects your company'southward brand, typography, and color scheme.

The more recent versions of Excel come with wonderful like shooting fish in a barrel-to-apply charts. However, for people who demand to recreate charts on a regular ground, Excel includes a ways to relieve nautical chart templates for later reuse.

1.      Create Your Commencement Nautical chart

Begin with a new chart based on 1 of Excel's included chart types.

  1. Highlight your data, either by dragging your mouse or using keyboard shortcuts.
  2. Go to the Insert ribbon.
  3. Click on the chart type that you'd like to create.
  4. Click on the new chart. New Chart | Pattern and Chart | Format tabs now appear on the ribbon.
  5. From the Chart | Design ribbon, add together, remove, or suit elements such as titles and legends.
  6. From the Chart | Format ribbon, and adapt the formatting until your chart looks just right.
  7. Click on any boosted nautical chart elements that you would like to arrange.

Fred Pryor Seminars_Excel Chart Templates 1This case shows a column chart with adjustments to the chart area fill up, plot area fill, data series fill, information serial shadow, and data serial iii-D format.

ii.      Save as a Template

Right-click the chart and cull Save as Template. In the dialog box that follows, relieve your chart template under a name that you lot'll recall. Be sure that the folder is fix to Charts – the default.Fred Pryor Seminars_Excel Chart Templates 2

3.      Reuse the Template

At present it's fourth dimension to create a new chart using your template.

  1. Highlight the information that you'd like to chart.

Fred Pryor Seminars_Excel Chart Templates 3

2. From the Insert ribbon, cull Recommended Charts.

3. In the dialog box that follows, select the All Charts tab.

Fred Pryor Seminars_Excel Chart Templates 4

four. Choose Templates.

Fred Pryor Seminars_Excel Chart Templates 5

5. Click your template.

Your new nautical chart has the design and format of the template. However, you lot'll need to adjust certain elements (like titles), which appear with placeholder text.

Adjacent Steps

The fastened workbook includes both the data table and the customized chart used in the higher up case. To use this equally a starting point for your template, open the workbook and modify the chart until you are satisfied with its advent. Then follow the steps in a higher place to save the chart as a template. Enjoy!


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